Cast of Characters

LifeWife - My dear sweet wife

D1 - my eldest Daughter
C - D1's Companion

D2 - my middle Daughter
S1 - First Son-in-Law -D2's Husband
GS1 - my first grandson, offspring of D2 & S1

D3 - my youngest Daughter
S2 - Second Son-in-Law -D3's Husband

GuruBri - my brother
BigSis - my big sister
LadyJudy - my little sister

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I was thinking a few days ago about one of my girlfriends, well actually my only other girlfriend. You see, I was not a "(word that means I had a lot of experience with women)" in my youth. OK OK, I can't think of a word so I spelled it out for ya.

LifeWife is the first girl I went out with and here we are 39 years since I met my sweet wife. This year will be our 34th anniversary.

So I asked myself, Self whatever happened to the only other significant girl (SG) from your youth? I knew her name and so that is where I started,

I have forgotten the names of everyone else...I tried to think of some and really couldn't.

I Googled SG's name and didn't seem to get anywhere so I Googled our high school and ended up on a site that showed our school and there her name was and the year we graduated. This site offered a chance to send a person a message and so I did, I had no idea if she would ever see it and if she did see it would she want to say Hello.

Well as it turns out she did see it and she sent me a message.

I highly value the relationship I have with my wife we are a part of each other. So out of respect for her I talked to her about this initial exchange with SG and asked LifeWife if she was OK with this incipient communication avenue. LifeWife indicated her appreciation in being consulted and indicated that she had no worries. You know when you love someone, involving them in situation where there is a possibility for misunderstanding only makes real good sense.

So I responded to her initial email to me and I think I may have gone a bit overboard in the amount of information I responded with. Haven't heard anything back from her yet, but that's OK. I tried to communicate to her that I appreciated her, and the impact she had on my life. Even now 35 years later, when I think of her, I smile...

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