Cast of Characters

LifeWife - My dear sweet wife

D1 - my eldest Daughter
C - D1's Companion

D2 - my middle Daughter
S1 - First Son-in-Law -D2's Husband
GS1 - my first grandson, offspring of D2 & S1

D3 - my youngest Daughter
S2 - Second Son-in-Law -D3's Husband

GuruBri - my brother
BigSis - my big sister
LadyJudy - my little sister

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thoughts of Mom's

Today is Mother's Day.
Generation One - My Mom, when I was small, I used to like to sit beside my Mom and rub my cheek against her upper arm. Somehow it was always cool and it was very soothing. When I was a teenager, I was an ignorant boor towards my Mom. She'd come into my room and try desperately to have a conversation with me. I'd do my best to ignore her, what a little snot I was, if I'd been my Dad and saw that I would have smacked me. Grrr. Then I grew up a bit and I liked to talk to my Mom, she had the rare ability to LISTEN. I miss her...
Generation Two - LifeWife, mother of my amazing girls. She is an amazing Mom, we didn't have much money when they were small and yet LifeWife found amazing cheap things to do that they remember to this day. There is also the infamous hairbrush, LifeWife roaring through the apartment, WHO ATE MY BRUSH! Memories of love and laughter, Thoughts of wonder, LifeWife went everywhere with the kids, I was at work and LifeWife would be out, with the kids, on one adventure or another. She nurtured, taught, loved, disciplined, held, rocked, caressed, soothed. Happy happy Mother's Day my dear sweet wife, I esteem you highly.
Generation Three - D2, new mom (well he's 11 months now so still fairly new). I have talked about watching her sing to GS1, what an incredible delight I felt observing that. She has a great example to follow, and she's also breaking new ground, not competitively, but wanting to do as good and better than her own mother. I guess that is all part of the process, we do things differently than our parents did, hopefully what we are "trying" will work better than what our parents "tried".

We all do what we can, don't we? At whichever stage we are at in our lives, our intent is to make the best decisions, based on the most current information, and to the best of our ability.

Present Tense Parents

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you here in the blogging world. It's a really great way to keep in touch.
    Well said Uncle, we all do what we can. Life is all about successes and failures, learning and growing!

    And yes, your mother was a wonderful woman. She is dearly missed!
    Happy mother's day to your wife, and your dear daughter as well... (and, the line about eating the brush totally cracked me up - I can see it so vividly!)

